Category Archives: happiness

Partager—ou non—votre histoire ?

Partager votre histoire à des gens, c’est peut-être un des plus grands défis pour ceux et celles qui ont souffert des troubles de l’alimentation. Pour bonne raison : les troubles de l’alimentation sont encore, dans notre société, un sujet tabou, et nos expériences sont très personnels. C’est normal d’appréhender comment les autres pourrons nous percevoir [...]

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Suer et s’exercer . . . pour les bonnes raisons !

Il y a une période dans ma vie où l’exercice représentait une seule chose : un outil pour rendre mon corps « parfait ». Pour moi, c’était la course à pied que j’ai découvert quand j’avais 14 ans. Au début j’étais satisfait de faire un tour ou deux autour de la maison. Mais après avoir [...]

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Carol on The Holiday Season

Here come the holidays again. Observant or not, it certainly involves the joy of connecting or reconnecting with family, friends and those you work with every day, and lest we forget, shopping for that special gift. Life’s schedules vary, from juggling family and work schedules to trying to occupy ourselves from getting bored to death [...]

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Rememberance Day November 11, 2013 by Carol

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month Of the eleventh hour of today Remind ourselves of those who lost Their precious innocence gone away So many soldiers bravely fought Battles to protect for freedom’s sake Giving room for all of us To choose and just be for goodness’ sake In their stead, let us [...]

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My Story

I was hospitalized with an eating disorder when I was 15. By 16 I was cutting myself and tying nooses, and by 17 I had experimented with a panoply of SSRIs and anti-anxiety medication. Seven years later I lead a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. Here is my story. ∞ I was a pretty lucky [...]


What is the Meaning of Life? by Carol

What is the meaning of life? “Why are we here?”, “What is life all about?” “What is the purpose of existence?” Speculation throughout history has been tackled from theologians to scientists regarding conceptions of existence, social ties, consciousness, happiness, symbolic meaning, purpose, ethics, good and evil, free will, the soul and the afterlife. A 1970’s [...]

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♥ Amitié Mon Amour ♥

I am not a romantic person, not in the least. Reading a romance novel would quite simply be hell on Earth for me . It’s not that I don’t believe in Love. I believe passionately in Love. I just don’t feel that the love we consider romantic is any more interesting, important or fulfilling than [...]


Learning to Live Life Between Bites by Carol

(…continued from December 3rd entry) Becoming aware of inconspicuous derogative passing quiet thought is the road to recovery. Simply avoiding or pushing away negative thinking is not enough, because it acts as restrictive thinking lending itself stronger recurrences going forward. Only a trained therapist, a “life coach”, can aid in knowing what to do as [...]


What Are YOU Feeding Your Mind With? by Carol

After reading this post, go to the continuation I wrote in the next post called “Learning to live life between bites” We might, at times, not be quite content to be where we are or who we are with. We can be fiercely protective of our possessions, our religious beliefs and political views. Sometimes we [...]