Category Archives: Non classé

Crisp Day And Tender Memory by Carol

My friend went apple on a beautiful early fall day. The sun was shining, there was a light but crisp breeze blowing, the leaves were changing colors and, in the middle of the orchard, the smell of apple was in the air … in all ways it was a perfect day. He discovered different apple [...]


Voici mon histoire!

Nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir des nouveaux membres à notre famille Recovery Talks. Nous tenions à souhaiter le bienvenu à Ghislaine Provost, qui par son premier billet nous touche et nous inspire. Et vous, qu’en pensez-vous ? Bonjour, mon nom est Ghislaine Provost. J’ai entendu parler de ce blogue par Linda Lee Ross et je [...]


The Shadow in the Room by Carol

The art of interpretation in a live performance (music, dance, theater, etc) is an ongoing process of improving technique while tapping into intuition and intention. It takes at least a decade to master a skill, but a lifetime of experience to harness skill with intention and intuition. Stage fright occurs before a live performance partly [...]


Travel is quite the Learning Curve by Carol

Traveling is part of an important learning curve with regards to rituals, anxiety, fear and acceptance of change. For some the ability to cope in a new environment can be easier, while extremely difficult for others. There are in fact, people who chose not to travel due to shear terror. I’ve traveled extensively to tropical [...]

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