Category Archives: stigma

Partager—ou non—votre histoire ?

Partager votre histoire à des gens, c’est peut-être un des plus grands défis pour ceux et celles qui ont souffert des troubles de l’alimentation. Pour bonne raison : les troubles de l’alimentation sont encore, dans notre société, un sujet tabou, et nos expériences sont très personnels. C’est normal d’appréhender comment les autres pourrons nous percevoir [...]

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Coping 101: Upsetting Comments and Toxic Conversations

If I had a nickel for every comment I’ve received about my weight, size, and shape, I’d be a millionaire. Almost. And maybe even a billionaire, if we were to include past conversations about diets, weight loss, or perfect beach bodies (and how to get ‘em). And I’m only 25! I wouldn’t mind the extra [...]

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Dr David Bloom: se réparer en réparant les autres

Nous sommes en plein midi. Alors que dehors luit le premier soleil de mai, les larges couloirs du pavillon Porteous de l’Institut Douglas sont silencieux. Assise devant un bureau clos, j’attends de rencontrer enfin le fameux Dr David Bloom, ce psychiatre si respecté, aimé jusqu’à l’adoration tant par ses quelque 600 patients que par l’ensemble [...]

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Sortir la famille de l’ombre…

Families often face the same stigma, discrimination, and isolation that comes with having a mental illness.—-Linda Lee Ross Tous les proches-aidants, quel que soit le type de maladie dont souffre le proche, ont beaucoup de choses en commun : l’affection qu’ils portent au proche, la culpabilité d’être en santé alors que l’autre souffre, l’inquiétude, l’impuissance, la [...]


The Solace of Family

We are happy to be welcoming a new contributor to Recovery Talks, Sylvie Bouchard, who provides family peer support in Emergency at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. The first position of its kind at the Douglas, Sylvie’s is an invaluable role; supporting families as one who has also experienced firsthand what can be involved [...]

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When it Hurts to even Hope…

We can easily understand a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy in life is an adult who is afraid of the light.-Plato Every now and then, it seems like I keep having the same conversation; and lately a number of folks have shared with me their fears about recovery; how they [...]


Vive la différence! Shift Happens!

My work makes me lucky. I get up every morning knowing I will have the opportunity that day, to walk beside someone who is trying very hard to make changes in their lives, often making the world around them, a better place to be. There is still so much fear around mental health; my cheeriness [...]