Learning to Live Life Between Bites by Carol

(…continued from December 3rd entry)

Becoming aware of inconspicuous derogative passing quiet thought is the road to recovery. Simply avoiding or pushing away negative thinking is not enough, because it acts as restrictive thinking lending itself stronger recurrences going forward. Only a trained therapist, a “life coach”, can aid in knowing what to do as your mind becomes aware of those thoughts. Shifting negative thoughts without judgement, into a positive light is a sort of dance … a skill that requires much practice.

There are no rules, diets, body scales, or rituals to this thing. People with food issues ranging from around normal weight to to dratically underweight can learn to live life between bites, in part, by attempting to cross out certain dialogue and behaviours.

In any kind of social gathering, try to discourage comments of:

  • Good healthy food vs bad unhealthy food
  • Negative comments of people or celebrity weight gain.
  • Positive talk of people or celebrity weight loss, tiny musculature frame
  • Exercise as a means of getting rid of calories.

This kind of dialogue reinforces messages of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with self-image. Rather, encourage discussions of current events, history, hobbies, travel, novels, etc. for more interesting and constructive exchanges.

Do you have automatic thoughts such as “fat”, “ugly”, “awful”, “no good”, “lazy” “loser” etc? How would you feel if someone else repeated those berating words to you as often as you do to yourself?

If it’s late at night, and you are actually hungry, try to eat whatever you like. For those with eating disorders, this will be difficult and unthinkable due to fear and phobia of losing control and weight gain.

If you feel full, and as such “fat” tell yourself it’s a temporary normal sensation after a meal. It’s unrealistic to expect to feel nothing after eating.

If you haven’t eaten all day, and feel empty, and as such feel terrific and/or feel smaller, be aware that this is illogical. It’s not about avoiding eating or eating as little as possible in a day.

Out of control eating is not always overeating and in large part, often a result of restrictive eating. But regardless, after an episode of out of control eating, are you feeling guilty, panicked about all those calories, stressed about weight gain and as such planning to get rid of those calories? If so, this is a symptom …

There are no rules, diets, body scales, or rituals to this thing! With the proper guidance, you can learn to live your life to its fullest loving potential between bites.

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Posted in Coping, eating disorders, happiness, hope, lived experience.

Posted on 10 Dec 2012, by Carol

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3 comments to Learning to Live Life Between Bites by Carol

  1. Barry Hingley
    On Dec 11th 2012 at 22:52

    Thanks for recent articles–much appreciate now becoming more computer friendly !!!Great to have so many out-lets for help !!!In
    caveman eras–didn’t even have phone !!!On east coast !!!Had only
    Mental Health with one psyciatrist &one Social Worker !!!One Psych
    Hospital 175 miles away !!!Due to B.P. worked healthcare over 3Oyrs!!!Now 63yrs back in school !!!Looking forward to working again !!!Part time !!!Barry……

  2. Alison Hackney
    On Dec 21st 2012 at 17:07

    Thank you and Happy Holidays to all the staff at the eating disorders clinic, and to all the women (and one man)who I have met in the groups.

    This is the 3rd or maybe fourth christmas that I will be: eating things I like and not eating things I don’t like to be polite; not bingeing and throwing up; not dreading invitations because I will already not be hungry ’cause of bingeing and because I fear I will eat without stopping. I also expect to enjoy the company I am with, without worries about what I ate or will eat getting in the way.
    I have gotten my life back, and that is priceless to me! It took a very, very long time – decades – but it was worth it, for sure.

    I wish the same for every one of you.

    • Linda Lee Ross
      On Dec 22nd 2012 at 12:21

      ✳Happy Happy Holidays Alison✳