Tag Archives: Stress

Workaholic nutcases

Workaholic nutcases (Published on-line, La vie en tranches, Journal Métro, February 9, 2015) SVP, voir plus bas pour la versionFrançaise Would you like a recipe for building a strong and hyper-productive team? Here’s a strategy: Step 1: Hire ten people for your team. Among the ten, there is a pretty good chance you will find [...]


I miss my Rolodex

Chances are pretty good that if you are under thirty you’ve never even heard of a Rolodex. Of course if you’re over fifty…there is probably one on your desk. (SVP, voir plus bas pour la version Française) I think of Rolodexes and manual typewriters whenever I think of how much my world has changed since [...]

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Pie charts and scribbled napkins

When I see a particular client it doesn’t take me long to find her file in my file cabinet. It’s the one with the colour-coded tabs sticking out. These tabs form part of the many background documents she wrote for me to assist in the treatment process. Meanwhile, I have another client who has yet [...]

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Turning in circles

Hi folks. Here is something I published last week in Metro. It is a concept I have discussed with almost all of my clients over the years. It is also a part of almost every presentation I give. I thought it was time to try and summarize the idea in my 400 word-limit column. Not an easy task [...]

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A guide to Christmas stress

Hey, it’s the morning of the 21st and I’m still alive! OMG! Wait, was the world supposed to end at the start of the day or the end? I don’t know! But what if there is no apocalypse? What then? This implies something even worse than the death of our planet and all life. That’s [...]

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Running in corridors

Time to set aside Fatmaster-Z and become Mr. Psychology Guy. In yesterday’s Métro column, I ask people to imagine a scenario where they are performing without any feedback. When the degree to which we push ourselves depends solely on our own judgment, we may be pushing way too hard (if we never feel anything we [...]

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The Rudolf in all of us

Perhaps I should get a life but I really hate the sentiment behind the song Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. “Hey, let’s make fun of the funny-looking kid until he becomes useful to us.” Nevertheless, I will try to take it in the light spirit it was intended and see if a reindeer’s life can [...]

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The Yes Man

Stress can be loosely defined as any challenge. The body’s stress response is the alarm that signals a need to act on the challenge. The greater the challenge, the greater the stress. This also implies that a confident person or a person with great skill will feel less stress when facing the same challenge. But [...]

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Batman’s belt

Stress is all about the challenges we face. The greater the challenge, the greater the stress. The negative emotion we feel is usually labelled anxiety when it is acute. In more chronic situations, we feel a general sense of unease which often produces burnout or depression. These negative feelings push us to address the problem and [...]


The fertile output of the anxious mind

Here’s a question? What’s scarier: reality or imagination? The crazy thing is that even though we know that imagination is not real, it can often cause more suffering than reality. The reason for this is the human stress response. Stress is the body’s way of responding to and protecting itself from a threat. When I [...]

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