Category Archives: Relationships

Eulogy to a janitor

Giuseppe Zacchia 1923-2016 Please honour this remarkable human being by sharing his story to the people that matter in your lives. It was published in the Huffington Post on February 9, 2016, Eulogy to a Janitor. ________________________________________________________________ Chères lecteurs et lectrices Francophone: Après plusieurs années de déclin physique mon père est décédé le 1 février. J’ai [...]


I’m dying for some chips

I’m dying for some chips! (Published on-line: La Vie en Tranches. Journal Métro, February 23, 2015) Man, don’t we all get the occasional hankering for some salt? A nice pile of crunchy chips will do the trick! Go to your cupboard, grab a bag, plop down in front of the TV, and munch away in a [...]

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It’s your turn to do the dishes!

Publié le 27 janvier, 2015: Journal Métro. SVP, voir plus bas pour la version Française. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were easy to ask for what you wanted? Being able to assert yourself is a necessary skill. It ensures that our rights are respected and that we are treated as equals in relationships. But [...]


The foster mother

The foster mother (SVP, voir plus bas pour la version Française) We are blessed by the mother who gave up the child. – Lucinda Williams. As an adoptive father, that lyric makes me cry every time. My last two trips to the United States were to Burlington, Vermont and New York City. Both times we [...]


Who the hell did I fall in love with?

It doesn’t seem to take too long before relationships become intense. The sexual power can be blinding and everything the person says or does is of interest to us. This usually means that people find themselves in a relationship before they know much about the person they are “in love” with. Personality is complex and [...]

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Turning in circles

Hi folks. Here is something I published last week in Metro. It is a concept I have discussed with almost all of my clients over the years. It is also a part of almost every presentation I give. I thought it was time to try and summarize the idea in my 400 word-limit column. Not an easy task [...]

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Secret lovers never argue over cheese

Secret lovers never argue over cheese (source: Les amants ne se dispute pas à propos du fromage. Journal Métro, November 6, 2012. Voir plus bas pour la version Française.) My wife and I have a constant battle over cheese. When she opens a package, she leaves it in the original container and then stuffs it [...]


Love lists

We almost all have a list of ideal qualities sought in a mate. Some make lists out of fun but others take them quite seriously. Lists tend to lean heavily, albeit not exclusively, on physical traits. But you may notice that while physical traits lead us to form connections with others, it is the psychological [...]


Children as baseball bats

I guess I hit a chord with people with my last post. Thank you to all who sent comments and e-mails, and to those who tweeted, facebooked, reddited, called, etc. While no parent is perfect, I think people were struck by the article because they realize the importance of maintaining a good relationship between parent [...]

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Why am I always attracted to abusive alcoholics?

Intriguing title for this blog post, don’t you think? Well it is an actual question I have been asked more than once in my career. It certainly does make you wonder. It’s not as if on a first date, we would typically ask something like, “Are you the kind of person that will make my [...]

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