Monthly Archives: April 2013

Jackie Robinson

I haven’t seen the movie ’42′ yet but the Jackie Robinson story is one I know well. The theme of segregation and “Us versus Them” thinking is one I have written about in a number of previous posts including Segregation and Desegregation, but given the movie’s recent release, and the theme of the talks I [...]

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Turning in circles

Hi folks. Here is something I published last week in Metro. It is a concept I have discussed with almost all of my clients over the years. It is also a part of almost every presentation I give. I thought it was time to try and summarize the idea in my 400 word-limit column. Not an easy task [...]

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Where am I?

Where am I? (Source: L’effet pervers du GPS. Journal Métro, April 9, 2013) Voir plus bas pour la version Française Have you ever noticed that if you drive someone home and he or she guides you all the way with precise step-by-step directions you will never remember the route the next time you have to [...]

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