Monthly Archives: December 2013

The glorification of thieves

I don’t know about you but I can’t get my head around the fact that people like Vito Rizutto have so many mourners at their funerals and keep getting treated like celebrities. If someone were to come up to me and make the following offer – pay me and I’ll protect you from harm, or don’t pay [...]


All I want for Christmas is…more stuff!

(Source: J’en veux plus. Journal Métro, December 17, 2013). Voir plus bas pour la version Française. I’ve been slowly emptying out my parent’s house now that they are both in a nursing home. It’s amazing how much stuff people accumulate over the years. My parents were immigrants and had to make do with very little. They [...]

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Suck it up and move on: PTSD and what not to do

We were all saddened by the recent apparent suicide of Master Corporal Sylvain Lelièvre of the Canadian Forces. It was the fourth reported suicide this past week alone. Every suicide is complex and we can never know exactly which factors go into one person’s decision. Mood is affected by our temperament, our biological makeup, and [...]


The teaser and the teased

Social anxiety is one of the more challenging forms of anxiety to treat. The reason for this is because anxiety is fed by assumptions and some are harder to alter than others. If a person is afraid of a plane crash and manages to get on a flight, he or she will generally learn that [...]

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