Monthly Archives: December 2009

All I want for Christmas is a big smelly monkey

I don’t indulge in bowls of sorbet very often, yet the idea of cleansing the palate appeals to me. Whenever I play poker with my brothers and a few friends, and it’s my turn to deal, I choose to play straight poker (no wild cards) as a means of cleansing the poker palate after several [...]

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Wisdom at the Tim Horton’s

It happens every day. Whenever we are faced with a restriction in our lives – like speed limits, border restrictions, or even the number of cans of beans you can buy when they are on sale – we complain about it. Whenever we witness someone doing something they “shouldn’t be allowed to get away with,” [...]


Why put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow

I used to think that my biggest fault was my tendency to procrastinate. All my university papers were finished at the last possible moment. They were started not much earlier. Every single time, I swore to myself I would do better next time. Eventually I simply gave in and stopped deluding myself. I always laugh [...]

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Sad anniversary

Today is the 20th anniversary of Marc Lépine’s rampage. Yesterday, I was in my car and heard two riveting interviews on CBC’s As It Happens. The first was with Nathalie Provost, who was shot by Lepine. The other was with Monique Lépine, Marc’s mother. I thought it might be a good time to re-post a [...]

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Taking back your life

There are always two blows one receives when one is the victim of a crime. The first is the direct loss of material or the sense of violation. This is what the criminal takes. But there is also a second blow, the impact on the victim’s sense of security. This is the consequence that can [...]

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