Monthly Archives: November 2009


Here is a link to an interview I did last week on the subject of using virtual reality devices to treat anxiety disorders. The interview was done by Pauline Boinot, who keeps a blog on cyber-health for the Public Health Research Institute of the University of Montreal. The interview questions were done in both English [...]

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Standards of happiness

Is there a secret to happiness? Well, I can’t say for sure but if you like to get your psychology from pithy aphorisms there are plenty of secrets out there. One secret to happiness that recently came to my attention was the following: Lower Your Standards! The psychologist in me says YES! I cannot think [...]

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H1N1: From frenzy to complacency to frenzy

Human beings are an odd lot. We like to have things simple and clear – (Which is the best hospital? Which is the greatest band of all time?) Unfortunately, despite our desire for black and white answers, our world is hopelessly grey. The current wave of frenzy over the H1N1 virus highlights what happens when [...]

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