Guaranteed to lose my vote

So it has come to this.

This past Friday I saw a new Conservative Party of Canada attack ad on Michael Ignatieff. Let me just say to the geniuses who think up this garbage: You will never, EVER, get my vote using these pathetic smear tactics! 

I don’t normally delve into politics but the trend toward more and more of these types of ads is extremely disturbing. It mirrors our general level of disrespect for others – the sort of stuff we see in the confessionals of any “reality” TV series.

It was laughable when every American campaign started using this strategy, but at least I was able to shake my head and smugly thank my lucky stars I wasn’t living there. Now it has invaded Canada as well. 

This stuff appeals to the lowest common denominator in people – the dumbest of the dumb. If we do not demand that our intelligence be respected, we will continue to be treated like idiots by politicians.

If you can’t convince me to vote for you because of your ideas, then I don’t want you to lead my country (and this goes for all parties at all levels of government). Making fun of the other guy is something I last saw in my elementary schoolyard.

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Posted in Random thoughts.

Posted on 26 May 2009

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One comment to Guaranteed to lose my vote

  1. Marie-Gabrielle
    On May 27th 2009 at 11:29

    I’ve not seen the ad you talk about but I can imagine exactly what it is. Being from France, I’ve also never been familiar with that kind of advertisement (also I think it might have been used in last presidential campaign, I was not there to testify!) but I am really curious to know if it really has an input on changing people’s mind about their political choices. Do our politicians (and their PR agencies) really think that we would be more influenced in voting for them, by listening to them bitching against other rather than listening to what they would bring to our society, to us? Come on…