Monthly Archives: May 2009

Guaranteed to lose my vote

So it has come to this. This past Friday I saw a new Conservative Party of Canada attack ad on Michael Ignatieff. Let me just say to the geniuses who think up this garbage: You will never, EVER, get my vote using these pathetic smear tactics!  I don’t normally delve into politics but the trend [...]

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Mistrust: A self-fulfilling prophecy

What’s worse; blind trust or paranoia? I suppose it depends a great deal on circumstances. If one were living in a war-torn country where suicide bombings and hidden allegiances were common realities, paranoia would certainly serve to protect. But like all psychological states, paranoia and mistrust are double-edged swords. They serve a useful purpose in [...]

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Influenza A (H1N1): From the reasonable to the ridiculous

In case you haven’t noticed yet, there is some concern spreading about the potential pandemic caused by the Influenza A H1N1 virus. The reactions range from complete indifference to utter hysteria - a wide range to say the least. I think this might be a good time to examine the nature of human anxiety when it comes to [...]