Tag Archives: Psychologists

Bell Let’s Talk: Part 2

For last year’s Bell Let’s Talk Day I listed some reasons why we should be more open about our mental health struggles. But what happens when we do open up and seek treatment? (Published Jan 25, 2017 in the Huffington Post) Here is just a partial list of some of the biggest issues we might [...]

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The hidden meaning behind the insignificant

One of my pet peeves is the tendency to read meaning into everything we do. It isn’t that there isn’t a reason behind our behaviours. It’s just that the reasons are either banal (basic instincts and human motivation) or are so prone to both misinterpretation and over-interpretation that most attempts to explain them will be [...]

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A shrink’s take on shrinks

In my April 14 column, I decided to try to answer a question that I get asked on a regular basis. What makes a good shrink? (Source: À la recherche d’un bon psy. Journal Métro, April 14, 2009) Whenever I meet with high school students about careers in psychology I always get asked the same question: [...]

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