Tag Archives: high standards

Pie charts and scribbled napkins

When I see a particular client it doesn’t take me long to find her file in my file cabinet. It’s the one with the colour-coded tabs sticking out. These tabs form part of the many background documents she wrote for me to assist in the treatment process. Meanwhile, I have another client who has yet [...]

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Running in corridors

Time to set aside Fatmaster-Z and become Mr. Psychology Guy. In yesterday’s Métro column, I ask people to imagine a scenario where they are performing without any feedback. When the degree to which we push ourselves depends solely on our own judgment, we may be pushing way too hard (if we never feel anything we [...]

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Standards of happiness

Is there a secret to happiness? Well, I can’t say for sure but if you like to get your psychology from pithy aphorisms there are plenty of secrets out there. One secret to happiness that recently came to my attention was the following: Lower Your Standards! The psychologist in me says YES! I cannot think [...]

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