Monthly Archives: December 2012

A guide to Christmas stress

Hey, it’s the morning of the 21st and I’m still alive! OMG! Wait, was the world supposed to end at the start of the day or the end? I don’t know! But what if there is no apocalypse? What then? This implies something even worse than the death of our planet and all life. That’s [...]

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Countdown to Armageddon

What do you mean the world will end on December 21st? I’m barely getting started. I was still paying off debt but as soon as I had finished I was planning to get to my bucket list. OK, let’s calm down and try to think rationally. Let’s see, what did I write down anyway. Hmm…sailing [...]

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Guy Turcotte

Since Guy Turcotte was given his release yesterday, I thought it might be appropriate to post something I wrote when his trial ended but never published. In it I examine some of the clinical and societal implications of this and similar decisions. Needless to say, these opinions are my own and do not reflect the [...]


This is not a garbage can!

A few years ago, as  I was walking into a shopping center, I noticed a large sign on a door. The sign was a large green neon sign with an arrow thick enough to hide a loaf of rye bread. Underneath this arrow, in 100+ point font, were the words: Porte Brisé (Door broken). To [...]

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