Monthly Archives: July 2011

People categories

Here is something I had sitting in my computer for a while. I was hoping to expand the list but finally decided to submit it. It is a short list of how I categorize people and was published today. Feel free to add you own categories in the comments. People categories SVP Voir plus bas pour [...]

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Good guys and bad guys

In today’s column, I returned to an old theme that remains one of the most important ones when we consider conflicts between two individuals or two groups. I’m referring to the tendency to think in groups. Here is an earlier post on the topic (Segregation). Here is what was published in this morning’s edition of [...]

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Thick head or thin skin

If a subordinate makes a mistake do you always point it out? How do you deal with someone who reacts badly to criticism? Do you continue to criticize? Do you address the person’s hypersensitivity? Or do you step back? The fact is, the best answer depends completely on the person being criticized. If the person [...]

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