Monthly Archives: October 2010

L’anxiété chez les jeunes

Récemment, j’ai donné une entrevue à PasseportSanté.net. Voici la balado qu’ils ont mise sur leur site web. L’anxiété chez les jeunes

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It’s all in your brain

The Douglas Institute recently released a video designed to spark interest and debate about mental health and to encourage people to consult our website, which is a rich source of up-to-date and scientilically validated information on a wide variety of mental health topics. The video was designed to grab people’s attention and in this respect [...]


Teenager wars

Although I am not a child psychologist I get plenty of practice with the four teens in my home. Thank God I have a full-time job so I can get away to relax. As part of our public education program at the Douglas Institute we have an annual series of lectures called the Mini-Psych School. [...]

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