Monthly Archives: March 2008

The hard worker and the smart worker

I am in a fairly unique position at the Douglas. I’m a manager, yet I have no actual staff. My role is that of providing professional development. The professionals work directly for their programs instead of for the psychology department. What this implies is that both staff and management feel equally comfortable talking to me [...]

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The paradox of anxiety

Anxiety is a very easy to understand. When we are confronted with a danger, we feel anxiety. This anxiety then pushes us to protect ourselves by either fighting against the danger or by running away from it. Very simple. But what happens if you are afraid of being anxious? Where do you run or how [...]


Gambling on our self-control

Hi folks, I didn’t add a post last week because I did not want to take the focus off Randy Pausch’s lecture. It was also an emotional week for me. My cousin Sam died. He was a great man. The Pausch lecture said so much about how to live one’s life to the fullest (as [...]

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