Category Archives: Thérapie

Drawing out symptoms

Cathy Malchiodi which I’ve spoken about a number of times here, writes a review of the benefits of drawing on symptoms of trauma. She lists the following partial benefits: 1) Drawing taps implicit memory. Trauma and drawing are largely sensory experiences; drawing pictures about aspects of « what happened » prompts sensory memories of traumatic events. 2) Drawing actively [...]

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La psychothérapie de l’art thérapie

Dans le cadre du travail qui a été fait par le comité aux affaires gouvernementales de l’AATQ et l’Université Concordia (Creative Arts Therapy Department) une description de la dimension psychothérapeutique de la pratique d’un art thérapeute a été formulé. Avec la permission du président de notre association je vous la transmets ici. Prenez note que [...]

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Evidence based art therapy for medical conditions and PTSD

Listen to an interview with three art therapists talk about the benefits of art in oncology and medical based conditions(link below). Cathy Malchiodi’s blog posting talks about the evidence behind the practice. Read her introduction : In a growing number of hospitals across the US [and Canada], cancer patients are using art to express emotions [...]

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BAAT and art therapy events

BAAT is the British art therapy association.  You will find a list of workshops and conferences offered mostly in the UK over the summer and early fall. See links and some details below. BAAT & art therapy events News BAAT & AT in the media Courses Events NIGAT (Northern Ireland Group for Art as Therapy)17th [...]

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Chenille, papillon et psychiatrie

Voici ma chronique soumise au magazine Communiqu’art pour le mois d’Août. Elle parle du processus de thérapie, de la création artistique et des petits pas qui suffisent mais parfois ne mènent pas à une transformation complète comme implique celle du papillon. Transformation Artist: CoffeLatte La symbolique de la chenille qui se change en papillon est une [...]

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Expressive therapy conference

If anyone is traveling to Virginia in the next few days you may want to catch a two day creative arts therapies conference featuring some  well know pioneers in the field of dance, music, art, poetry and play therapies and at the same time earn CE credits. Left is Judith Aron Rubin one of our most well [...]

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Disaster relief art therapy

Watch Mehdi Naimi, Vancouver  based art therapist talk about disaster relief with children. He offers his advise on creating an art and play kit for this purpose. Mehdi and I met on my professional egroup many years back and lately we were able to talk face to face when CATA and AATQ members shared a [...]

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PhotoTherapy an interview

Click the link below for an audio interview with Judy Weiser of the PhotoTherapy Center in BC « how people can use their own snapshots to learn more about themselves and improve their lives and their communications with others. » Interview is about 10 minutes long:

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Going mad in 700+ drawings

The Guardian is consistent in presenting interesting people in the arts. Bobby Baker an artist, and performer also holds a Senior Research Fellowship in Drama, at Queen Mary, University of London. But what is of particular interest to the readers here is the fact that she has also spent time in day hospitals, psychiatric wards and [...]

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Art et identité

Depuis que je travaille avec des enfants et des ados, j’ai eu maintes occasions d’observer comment écrire leur nom en lettres décoratives était une activité importante et récurrente pour eux. Il semblerait que ce nom fait office de miroir, de reflet d’une identité fragilisée par l’insécurité d’une structure familiale problématique ou d’une transition qui vient [...]

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