I was recently made aware of this extraordinary visual artist by the name of Stephen Wiltshire who was first discovered when he was 11 in the UK. Stephen was diagnosed with autism and was mute until the age of four. He began expressing himself not through words but through drawings; and drawing is something he does so well he is now world famous for his talent, has his own gallery and travels the world. You can take a look at his work in the gallery section of his own web site. Or listen to dozens of videos or TV specials about the man, now 35, who through his art found a ticket into the world of people and places.
Note that his uncanny visual memory is an extraordinary one and quite unusual even for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) (.5 to 1% )sufferers often portrayed as what used to be called ‘idiot savants’. The psychiatrist and researcher Laurent Mottron is presenting this evening at Louis H. Lafontaine psychiatric hospital to demystify erroneous beliefs about ASD.
Classé dans autism, mental disorder, mental health, visual memory.
Catégorisé dans Arts, Thérapie.
Publié le 16 mar 2009