Did you know that encaustic is the oldest painting medium in the world? This portrait painted somewhere between the first and second century was placed on a sarcophagus containing the mummified body of an Egyptian person. The portrait has survived to our time with colors as fresh as contemporary works. Fascinating to say the least. But what is encaustic and [...]
Tag Archives: art therapy
Art, therapy and autism
It is now common knowledge that some individuals with a diagnosis of AS (Autism Syndrome) or PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder, not otherwise specified) are exceptionally gifted. Stephen Wiltshire whom I mentionned in a previous posting is one of these. Though many AS children are quite capable drawers from an early age, many tend to focus on parts rather than the whole. The ability [...]
Poupée thérapeutique
Prenez note que je ferai une présentation suivi d’un atelier de fabrication de poupée thérapeutique lors de la conférence en Septembre. Je serai accompagnée de Renée Biancolin, drama thérapeute qui présentera l’approche narrative et les méthodes de créations de scénario. Prenez vous d’avance les places sont limitées à 20.
Art therapy Conference in Montreal
Invitation au Colloque 2010 : L’AATQ (Association des Art-thérapeutes du Québec) vous invite à la conférence Cerner les arts de/dans la thérapie. Cette conférence donnera l’opportunité d’examiner plus attentivement l’aspect scientifique de la créativité et des arts dans le contexte spécifique de la thérapie. Notre conférencière invitée, nous guidera dans l’exploration de cette unique contribution [...]
Art therapy and dementia
Quality Dementia Care; Nurturing the Heart: creativity, art therapy and dementia Is a 40+ page pdf document, published in 2007 and authored by Dr Patricia Baines. Dr Baines trained as an Anthropologist, Psychologist and Art Therapist, and now works with Alzheimer’s Australia Tasmania. The document is available here. Table of content INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EVERYONE IS CREATIVE Creative [...]
International art therapy
Find out what is going on art therapy wise around the world. Read the first issue of Fusion, the International Art Therapy Alliance’s e-zine publication.
Types of art therapy in Britain
It is well known that there are many ways to practice art therapy, and there are important differences within and across countries. Britain in contrast to North America tends to privilege psychoanalytically informed approaches as you will see below. The excerpt is taken from a recent article by Susan Hogan, a prominent art therapist who [...]
Bridge drawing to assess psychosis
A recent article (in press) in The Arts in Psychotherapy discusses new research on drawing indicators. A small sample of drawings from in patients (n=34), out patients (n=26) and comparison group (n=29) were contrasted to establish the validity of certain formal drawing characteristics as indicators of psychotic features. Patients in the study were all diagnosed with illnesses that involved psychotic episodes [...]
Evidence based art therapy for medical conditions and PTSD
Listen to an interview with three art therapists talk about the benefits of art in oncology and medical based conditions(link below). Cathy Malchiodi’s blog posting talks about the evidence behind the practice. Read her introduction : In a growing number of hospitals across the US [and Canada], cancer patients are using art to express emotions [...]