Category Archives: Société

The art of bereavement

In my work I come across all types of problems, some of which are developmental, neuropsychological, interpersonal, intrapsychic, while others are related to life events that are complicated by a number of factors. Adjustment to death and dying is one of these. The most common account of the grieving process was said to proceed in [...]

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Ciné réflexions

Durant une soirée de ce genre on a peu de temps pour élaborer sur le sujet et je suis de celles qui après réflexion auraient aimé dire plus, dire autrement somme toute élaborer sur les sujets qui ont été amené à notre attention durant la période de discussion.Ce blogue me donnera l’occasion d’y pallier. Alors [...]

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Le temps, la réflection et la création

Depuis ma dernière contribution à ce blogue, un mois s’est écoulé. C’est peut-être cliché de dire que le temps passe vite, mais plus le temps s’écoule plus il donne l’impression d’accélérer, de glisser entre nos doigts. Nous ne nous rendons peut-être pas compte de l’importance de cette dimension qui vient colorer une grande partie de [...]

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Gustav meets Katrina

As the newest storm (Gustav) beats down once again on New Orleans and parts of Louisiana, the legacy of Katrina is remembered by all as they evacuate to safe ground. When people are exposed to similar threats past fears are easily reawakened. Katrina’s Children is a documentary that looks into another side of the story, [...]

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Creativity & Resilience

According to King and Pope (2000) creativity is associated with psychological richness and complexity. Creative people demonstrate: autonomy and independence self control trust their own judgment have more interests are more willing to attend to chaotic aspects of the world tolerate ambiguity have greater acceptance for difference in human nature are more curious about the [...]

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