Tag Archives: PTSD

Evidence based art therapy for medical conditions and PTSD

Listen to an interview with three art therapists talk about the benefits of art in oncology and medical based conditions(link below). Cathy Malchiodi’s blog posting talks about the evidence behind the practice. Read her introduction : In a growing number of hospitals across the US [and Canada], cancer patients are using art to express emotions [...]

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Trauma focused CBT art therapy

I was recently reading Pifalo, T. (2007). Jogging the cogs: Trauma-focused art therapy and CBT with sexually abused children, Art Therapy:Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 24(4), 170-75; the author articulates the benefits of a visual approach to therapy rather well. Pifalo writes: « Because of the visual nature of traumatic memories, an image-based therapy [...]

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Trauma et dessins d’enfants

Je viens de découvrir le récent blogue d’une collègue art thérapeute qui écrit de façon prolifique (livres) . Figure proéminente de l’art thérapie aux États-Unis elle s’est intéressée aux enfants, à la technologie, à l’art thérapie dans les milieux hospitaliers (medical art therapy) et semble s’être spécialisée récemment. Elle fait de la recherche sur le [...]

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