Journal of Clinical Art Therapy (new)

A new art therapy journal is available online with fulltext articles.  From their website:

The JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ART THERAPY is an online peer-reviewed publication sponsored by the Graduate Department of Marital and Family Therapy, within the College of Communication and Fine Art at Loyola Marymount University. The journal contributes to the knowledge base that supports the practice of art therapy within a systemic context. It is informed by community mental health practices, engagement in artistic processes and a broad understanding of diversity. By presenting scholarship and professional writing, the journal communicates and supports the work of clinical art therapists, augments their dialogue with adjacent fields and creates stronger field specific knowledge.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011) Special Edition: 30th Anniversary Celebration of Art Therapy at LMU

Peer Reviewed Articles

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Catégorisé dans Lecture.

Publié le 14 mar 2012

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