January and February have been stressful, in that many families and children we see in our services have experienced more crises and seemed in our short staffed reality, to be doing collectively worse. Is it the weather, the post holiday tensions, difficult work environments that create increased stress on already fragile systems? It is hard [...]
Daily Archives: 05 février 2011
Art therapie et enfants: entrevue
Je viens de découvrir un merveilleux service sur le web et disponible en version Ipod. Sur Tou.tv vous avez accès à des documentaires, des séries, des magazines télévisés, des entrevues et vous pouvez suivre les contenus intégrals sans publicité ainsi que revoir les émissions des semaines précédentes. Sur ce je vous laisse visionner l’entrevue télévisée [...]
ruffled quills
It seems I ruffled a few quills (comments) when I made a metaphoric link between quilling, tension and anxiety. But I take full responsibility for not having better explained the context in which such a link could be made. I too would object if I felt my art form was being pathologized. I have since added to the initial posting to better understand when and how a process such [...]