Daily Archives: 24 février 2010

Memorial for Haïti

When I first began this mixed media embroidery it was composed of left over fragments from my art therapy room: bits of moulded home made clay, reclaimed fabric and buttons. My creative attempts did not have a clear direction until the events in Haiti were made real by the streaming images on TV and in the news and through [...]

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Art therapy and dementia

Quality Dementia Care; Nurturing the Heart: creativity, art therapy and dementia Is a 40+ page pdf document, published in 2007 and authored by  Dr Patricia Baines. Dr Baines trained as an Anthropologist, Psychologist and Art Therapist, and now works with Alzheimer’s  Australia Tasmania. The document is available here. Table of content INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EVERYONE IS CREATIVE Creative [...]

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A lire

La Revue Québécoise de Psychologie volume 30, numéro 3, 2009  vient de publier un numéro spécial sur l’art thérapie intitulé : L’Art Thérapie: Diversité et Croisée des Chemins. Vous pouvez vous procurez une copie au coût de $25. sur le site de la revue au www.rqpsy.qc.ca ou encore à leurs bureaux situés au: 1100, avenue Beaumont, [...]

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