Monthly Archives: octobre 2009

Thinking inside the box

Boxes in art therapy are often used as a framework to explore inner and outer realities. With lids they offer the possible exploration of the private inner spaces while the outside becomes more of the public self or what is visible to the world out there.  Clients are invited to paint, draw, collage or add [...]

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Mes créations-update

feutre, organza, fils à broder, laine J’ai promis de tenir le lectorat au courant de mes avancées créatives.  Voici une broderie techniques mixtes que j’ai fait sur fond de feutrine noire. J’avais des retailles d’organza que je me suis amusée à découper au fer chaud (pyrogravure ou stencil) en faisant des ouvertures en formes de petites [...]

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Idée : sacs de plastique réinventés

Une nouvelle technique à ajouter à votre coffre à outils créatif. Aujourd’hui nous allons nous réapproprier certaines matières recyclables: les sacs de plastiques.  Si vous êtes une citoyenne avisée, tout ce dont vous avez besoin se trouve dans votre bac de recyclage. Vous aurez besoin: des sacs de type Wallmart, LaBaie, RénoDépot (plastique mince et propres évidemment) deux feuilles de papier à [...]

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International art therapy

Find out what is going on art therapy wise around the world. Read the first issue of Fusion, the International Art Therapy Alliance’s e-zine publication.

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Attachment markers in family drawings

Research on insecure child attachments has found significant correlation between early attachment history and family drawing indicators,  ruling out present day circumstances and IQ in children ages 8-9 years of low socio-economic status. The research contrasts two measures of attachment taken at 12 and 18 months, with the following assessments: Child behavior checklist (teacher reports), Maternal Life Stress [...]

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Drawing to know

Milton Glaser a well known designer, speaks of drawing as consciousness: « a fundamental way of knowing the world ». I use observational drawing with some clients as a way to help them really see what is around them, to grasp what is actually there. Some fears, anxieties, eating disorders for example, stem in part from a distorted sense [...]

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Art theories and drawings

There are many ways of apprehending children’s art, many conceptual windows from which artwork can be viewed. I re-read  Betty Joe Troeger’s(1992) article : Application of child art theories to the interpretation of children’s art (in AT: JAATA).  The paper is an overview of theories used to interpret children’s drawings. She lists nine influential theories [...]

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Types of art therapy in Britain

It is well known that there are many ways to practice art therapy, and there are important differences within and across countries. Britain in contrast to North America tends to privilege psychoanalytically informed  approaches as you will see below. The excerpt is taken from a recent article by Susan Hogan, a prominent art therapist who [...]

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Tree as self symbol

Assessment procedures that use the tree as a symbol are the HTP: House, Tree, Person Test (Buck, 1948); TDT Tree Drawing Test (Koch, 1952);  DDS: Diagnostic Drawing Series (Cohen 1985); PPAT Person Picking an Apple from a Tree (Gantt 1990); TTM Tree Theme Method (Alexi & Gunnarsson 1995). A tree is often seen as a symbol of [...]

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Papier maché suite

Pour ceux et celles qui n’ont pas envie de mélanger leur propre liant (colle) il existe des produits tout à fait satisfaisants tels que la Pâte Artistique fait par Elmer’ s (2 c à soupe de poudre pour 4 tasses d’eau= 4 tasses de gel transparent). Cette colle se garde un certain temps dans un contenant [...]

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