Nous oublions parfois que ce qui nous semble évident ne l’est absolument pas pour d’autres. Entre autres, ces termes que nous utilisons sans définir qui parlent d’une réalité non mesurable, d’un état, d’un ‘feeling’ pour utiliser un anglicisme. J’avais prévu demander une définition personnelle de la créativité à chaque participant du groupe de ressourcement que [...]
Monthly Archives: juin 2008
« Art as witness » conference
Mark your calendars and reserve early. Art as witness: Art, art therapy and trauma resolution is the title of a joint three day conference made possible here in Montreal, by the concerted efforts of the AATQ, CATA and the research group headed by Josée Leclerc PhD ATR-BC recent director of the Concordia Creative Arts therapies [...]
Photography in art therapy
It is at times difficult to pinpoint what triggers one to use a particular approach in art therapy. Was it the quiet reserved aspect of the child? The paucity of details and confusion in her drawing of a timeline? Or perhaps the problem with chronological sequencing in her storytelling? Or was it the attunement to [...]