Monthly Archives: mai 2008

Les ARTS de l’art thérapie

  Pour ceux et celles qui ont fait la lecture des billets précédents, vous vous êtes sûrement rendus compte que l’art dont il a été question n’était pas d’une forme mais de multiple formes. C’est à dire que la hiérarchie entre beaux arts (peinture, gravure, sculpture etc.), arts appliqués, arts recyclés, photographie, arts décoratifs, arts [...]

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Creativity quotes by psychologists

Contrary to popular belief creativity needs constraints; they provide the boundaries from which form can take shape. Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations, the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various forms which are essential to the work of art or poem. (Rollo May) Tolerance for ambiguity [...]

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Recycling Arts

My environmental consciousness dates back a long while. In the 70′s my father was already experimenting with solar power, he kept bees and with my mother planted a huge garden of exotic greens and roots. We had fruit trees and berries of all kinds around the house. My father was what is called in Quebec [...]

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On never being too sure

I become uneasy when someone speaks with authoritative certainty about someone else. « This is a clear case of X, Y, Z », the XYZ being a defining set of characteristics that describes a person, and given our shortcut liking brains, ends up defining the whole of a person. Through the years I’ve been too often reminded [...]

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Creativity & Resilience

According to King and Pope (2000) creativity is associated with psychological richness and complexity. Creative people demonstrate: autonomy and independence self control trust their own judgment have more interests are more willing to attend to chaotic aspects of the world tolerate ambiguity have greater acceptance for difference in human nature are more curious about the [...]

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