Tag Archives: pseudoscience

Brain Awareness Week

This week is Brain Awareness Week, which includes a series of events undertaken by personnel at the Douglas and elsewhere to educate the public about the brain, and in honor of the occasion I thought I’d try to bring some brain awareness to these articles by dispelling some of the more common or insidious myths about the brain.


Why blog? (‘Holiday’ edition)

I put together a second ‘bonus’ version of my first post (below), after someone let me know I’d written about popularizing science education close to a recent related ‘holiday’ without mentioning someone relevant.

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Why blog?

When I first mentioned writing for the Douglas Blogs, a few friends of mine asked me why, so I thought I’d explain in my first post. I’ve always believed the popularization of science for the benefit of the general public is one of the highest obligations of anyone who works in a scientific field. Although making complex concepts digestible by the public isn’t always easy, it’s absolutely essential to fully realizing the benefits of these discoveries. Here are seven reasons why I believe that educating the public about scientific research is important, with a particular focus on the fields of neuroscience and psychiatry (as in the scope of this blog)