Tag Archives: therapy


I’m reading an article dated Sept 2nd, 2009 in the brand spanking new journal ARTS & HEALTH titled « On creating the discipline, profession and evidence in the field of arts and healthcare » and the more I read the more I’m frustrated. Why you ask? Because!!! Though the authors do a great job of sorting all [...]

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Drawing out symptoms

Cathy Malchiodi which I’ve spoken about a number of times here, writes a review of the benefits of drawing on symptoms of trauma. She lists the following partial benefits: 1) Drawing taps implicit memory. Trauma and drawing are largely sensory experiences; drawing pictures about aspects of « what happened » prompts sensory memories of traumatic events. 2) Drawing actively [...]

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Disaster relief art therapy

Watch Mehdi Naimi, Vancouver  based art therapist talk about disaster relief with children. He offers his advise on creating an art and play kit for this purpose. Mehdi and I met on my professional egroup many years back and lately we were able to talk face to face when CATA and AATQ members shared a [...]

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Going mad in 700+ drawings

The Guardian is consistent in presenting interesting people in the arts. Bobby Baker an artist, and performer also holds a Senior Research Fellowship in Drama, at Queen Mary, University of London. But what is of particular interest to the readers here is the fact that she has also spent time in day hospitals, psychiatric wards and [...]

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Wonder boxes

I’ve talked about a number of altered arts before such as altered books, altered photography and today I’m introducing altered tins (or boxes).  I like to create examples of various techniques that I use as inspiration with the  young people I see. Examples can be helpful but also can inhibit a young person’s creativity who is [...]

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On never being too sure

I become uneasy when someone speaks with authoritative certainty about someone else. « This is a clear case of X, Y, Z », the XYZ being a defining set of characteristics that describes a person, and given our shortcut liking brains, ends up defining the whole of a person. Through the years I’ve been too often reminded [...]

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