Tag Archives: Leveck

Bookbinding 101

It has been a while since my last…confession …eu…! I mean posting and I have to confess to much learning in these last few months. Aside from the very heavy learning of a doctoral seminar ( I’ll say more at a later time) my creative learning focused on bookbinding this winter. Bookbinding and the book arts [...]

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ARTHE, un collectif d’artistes

A l’automne j’ai lancé l’idée d’un collectif d’artistes chez mes collègues art-thérapeutes en expliquant qu’il serait important que nous nous mobilisions pour parler de santé mentale par le biais de nos créations artistiques. L’idée a fait son chemin pour aboutir sur un collectif baptisé ARTHE et une première exposition dont le vernissage a eu lieu à Gatineau [...]

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Memorial for Haïti

When I first began this mixed media embroidery it was composed of left over fragments from my art therapy room: bits of moulded home made clay, reclaimed fabric and buttons. My creative attempts did not have a clear direction until the events in Haiti were made real by the streaming images on TV and in the news and through [...]

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