Tag Archives: inspirations

Trouvailles et tutoriels

Pour la création des grands, des tutoriels grattos en techniques mixtes : http://www.clothpaperscissors.com/media/12/default.aspx  et créations textiles: http://www.quiltingarts.com/media/g/free/default.aspx et pour les petits une art-thérapeute offre une foule d’inspirations créatives : http://paintcutpaste.com/

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Paper eye candy

Dozens of inspirational creations made of paper. These artists are FAB’ulous. An illustrator’s use of words. Marta Pelrine Bacon A story told in paper; a fascinating video animation. Worth watching. NZ Book Council – Going West

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Wonder boxes

I’ve talked about a number of altered arts before such as altered books, altered photography and today I’m introducing altered tins (or boxes).  I like to create examples of various techniques that I use as inspiration with the  young people I see. Examples can be helpful but also can inhibit a young person’s creativity who is [...]

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