Tag Archives: family

Give yourself inspiration

It’s the holiday season and one thing I like to do is put myself at the top of my gift giving list. Treat myself for working so hard all year round….not that I completely forget to think of myself the rest of the year but lets say I like to spread the giving to myself [...]

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DIY Christmas, some reasons why

Yes it is just around the corner that either dreadful or delicious time of the year.  For many the holiday preps are a chore, stressful and too often expensive. For those who thrive on routine and regularity, the inevitable schedule change awakens anxiety. For some family reunions too often gone wrong is a source of many more headaches. Many [...]

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Attachment markers in family drawings

Research on insecure child attachments has found significant correlation between early attachment history and family drawing indicators,  ruling out present day circumstances and IQ in children ages 8-9 years of low socio-economic status. The research contrasts two measures of attachment taken at 12 and 18 months, with the following assessments: Child behavior checklist (teacher reports), Maternal Life Stress [...]

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