Tag Archives: children

Give yourself inspiration

It’s the holiday season and one thing I like to do is put myself at the top of my gift giving list. Treat myself for working so hard all year round….not that I completely forget to think of myself the rest of the year but lets say I like to spread the giving to myself [...]

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Art theories and drawings

There are many ways of apprehending children’s art, many conceptual windows from which artwork can be viewed. I re-read  Betty Joe Troeger’s(1992) article : Application of child art theories to the interpretation of children’s art (in AT: JAATA).  The paper is an overview of theories used to interpret children’s drawings. She lists nine influential theories [...]

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Drawing out symptoms

Cathy Malchiodi which I’ve spoken about a number of times here, writes a review of the benefits of drawing on symptoms of trauma. She lists the following partial benefits: 1) Drawing taps implicit memory. Trauma and drawing are largely sensory experiences; drawing pictures about aspects of « what happened » prompts sensory memories of traumatic events. 2) Drawing actively [...]

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Disaster relief art therapy

Watch Mehdi Naimi, Vancouver  based art therapist talk about disaster relief with children. He offers his advise on creating an art and play kit for this purpose. Mehdi and I met on my professional egroup many years back and lately we were able to talk face to face when CATA and AATQ members shared a [...]

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The art of bereavement

In my work I come across all types of problems, some of which are developmental, neuropsychological, interpersonal, intrapsychic, while others are related to life events that are complicated by a number of factors. Adjustment to death and dying is one of these. The most common account of the grieving process was said to proceed in [...]

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