Les ARTS de l’art thérapie


Pour ceux et celles qui ont fait la lecture des billets précédents, vous vous êtes sûrement rendus compte que l’art dont il a été question n’était pas d’une forme mais de multiple formes. C’est à dire que la hiérarchie entre beaux arts (peinture, gravure, sculpture etc.), arts appliqués, arts recyclés, photographie, arts décoratifs, arts textiles, arts graphiques et toutes les nouvelles formes d’art conceptuel, relationnel et autres plus éphémères font potentiellement partie de la boite à outil des art-thérapeutes. Les affinités de l’art-thérapeute pour certaines formes d’art,...

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Creativity quotes by psychologists

Contrary to popular belief creativity needs constraints; they provide the boundaries from which form can take shape.

Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations, the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various forms which are essential to the work of art or poem. (Rollo May)

Tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty is enhanced when practicing art. Such tolerances are necessary conditions in creating new expressive forms out of what has yet to exist. Tolerance for uncertainty is useful in times of change. Our Modern world is certainly...

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Recycling Arts

My environmental consciousness dates back a long while. In the 70′s my father was already experimenting with solar power, he kept bees and with my mother planted a huge Pansy', made from wire, papier maché, and copies of 'The Beano' comics by Justine Smith (born 1971) in 1999garden of exotic greens and roots. We had fruit trees and berries of all kinds around the house. My father was what is called in Quebec a ‘patenteux‘ or ‘bricoleur‘ in the Levy-Strauss meaning of the term. A ‘bricoleur’ is one who makes due with what is on hand to create something new. Thus my father repurposed items for other uses and invented his own tools to suit his needs.

My mother’s creativity began with exotic...

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On never being too sure

I become uneasy when someone speaks with authoritative certainty about someone else. « This is a clear case of X, Y, Z », the XYZ being a defining set of characteristics that describes a person, and given our shortcut liking brains, ends up defining the whole of a person. Through the years I’ve been too often reminded that what I thought was obvious, a neat little package of interpretation, was in fact a much more layered and faceted reality.

Art produced in therapy reminds me daily, that there are always more sides to the story than meets the eye. Imagery is multi-layered and comes to...

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Creativity & Resilience

Drawing the lineAccording to King and Pope (2000) creativity is associated with psychological richness and complexity. Creative people demonstrate:

  1. autonomy and independence
  2. self control
  3. trust their own judgment
  4. have more interests
  5. are more willing to attend to chaotic aspects of the world
  6. tolerate ambiguity
  7. have greater acceptance for difference in human nature
  8. are more curious about the world
  9. are open to exploration and play

Everyone of the above linked to psychological health. Creativity has an important role in resilience. Resilient children are found in similar traumatic situations to come...

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L’objectif de l’art

Une citation du pianiste de renommé Glenn Gould:

« L’objectif de l’art n’est pas le déclenchement d’une sécrétion momentanée d’adrénaline, mais la construction, sur la durée d’une vie, d’un état d’émerveillement et de sérénité. »

Comme objectif thérapeutique ce n’est pas à dédaigner!!

Vous pouvez entendre une série d’extraits sur le site de Glenn Gould. Le dessin de Glenn Gould a été exécuté par l’artiste Michelle Lynne Goodfellow.

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CATs@Concordia celebrate 25 years

On May 15th, Concordia’s Creative Arts Therapies graduate program is celebrating 25 years with a reception and performance by the participants from the Centre for Arts in Human Development.

The creative arts therapy program evolved from the art education department beginning with a diploma in art therapy and went on to become an independent master level program a few years after. It now included drama therapy and in the fall of 2009 an MA in music therapy will be added. Dance-movement therapy courses are also offered as electives.


To practice as a professional art therapist in Quebec...

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Digital collage

What you see below is a massive 186 post-it note collage. It was created thanks to web technology via a well known image/photo sharing community called Flickr. This is where Adrian Wallett requested individual art in the form of post-it notes from the participants in this virtual community.

Adrian Wallett

Art today takes many non traditional forms. Postmodern versions of art have opened up the possibilities such as conceptual, installation and performance art styles, while technology is multiplying the ways in which art is thought of, created, participated in and ‘consumed’. Nicolas Bourriaud’ theory...

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Créativité quotidienne

En attendant sagement mon rdv, je feuilletais le Châtelaine du mois de mai 2008 lorsqu’en page 90 sous la rubrique créativité, le nom d’une collègue art thérapeute est apparu. Prendre contact avec soi était l’essence des approches recensées dans cet article. Curieuse je pus lire ses mots à côté de ceux de Guy Corneau psychanalyste Jungien bien connu ici au Québec pour son implication auprès du mouvement des hommes mais aussi fervent promoteur des arts.

La créativité pour Guy Corneau n’a pas à être inventée, car ce potentiel se trouve à l’intérieur de nous tous. C’est un principe santé de...

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Considérations éthiques

Exposer les oeuvres des patients; considérations éthiques

Artiste: Francine LévesqueJ’ai tout dernièrement reçu une demande afin de contribuer à un concours de dessins pour des jeunes patients de la pédopsychiatrie. Le projet consistait à mettre à contribution les talents des jeunes dans le but éducatif via la thématique mais aussi de décorer un nouveau service moyennant certains prix. La demande qui a prime abord semble anodine et ludique, est beaucoup plus complexe et pose certains défis éthiques. Voici certaines considérations qui s’appliquent tant aux adultes qu’aux enfants.

  • Toute oeuvre artistique produite...
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