Category Archives: Autres

Armand Vaillancourt peint avec les enfants

Armand Vaillancourt peint avec les enfants Originally uploaded by Institut Douglas Armand Vaillancourt, peintre et sculpteur bien connu a fait une halte au Douglas début octobre pour produire deux grandes toiles avec les enfants des hôpitaux de jour et les participants du Centre Wellington (adultes). Le résultat sera exposé au pavillon Perry de l’institut Douglas [...]

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What is art therapy? CKUT radio interview

Last Wednesday I received a phone call from Portia Larlee, from CKUT radio 90.3 FM who asked if I could to do a phone interview on the subject of creativity and mental health. The questions provided however had more to do with art therapy and my work here at the Douglas. I prepared my answers [...]

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Il y a toutes sortes de raisons de ne  pas faire certaines choses; parfois réalistes, parfois fantaisistes.Quelques fois c’est l’évitement d’une tâche qui nous est pénible, d’autres fois un manque de valorisation qui rend cette dernière facultative. Mais la raison peut aussi tout simplement être un manque d’énergie pour accomplir tout ce qui peut être [...]

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A visual testimony to Alzheimer

William Utermohlen was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1995 yet he continued drawing. His last self portraits painted between 1995 and 2001 tell a unique tale of an implacable disease encroaching on to his mind and senses. With perseverance, courage and honesty the artist adapts his style and technique to the growing limitations of his perception [...]

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Open studios in art therapy

I found this interesting post that describes what an open studio format is in art therapy and how open and closed groups function including reflections on space and materials. The post is by Sara Roizen an artist and art therapist from Illinois.

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Partage en coeur

Il y a des gens qui pestent et crient au commercialisme chaque fois qu’une fête se pointe le nez au calendrier. Vrai, les commerces en profitent grandement. En fait il parait que les fleuristes font 32% de leur chiffre d’affaire en cette journée et l’industrie des cartes de souhaits est en très bonne santé beau [...]

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ruffled quills

It seems I ruffled a few quills (comments) when I made a metaphoric link between quilling, tension and anxiety. But I take full responsibility for not having better explained the context in which such a link could be made. I too would object if I felt my art form was being pathologized.  I have since added to the initial posting to better understand when and how a process such [...]

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The work of an art therapist, a video overview

This is Emily R. Johnson, art therapist, artist. She works with sick kids in Louiseville, Kentucky It is a good overview of the many different practices of an art therapist. You will see her work with children, their parents, and on her own art. She speaks of her workspace, materials and what inspires her art [...]

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