It is at times difficult to pinpoint what triggers one to use a particular approach in art therapy. Was it the quiet reserved aspect of the child? The paucity of details and confusion in her drawing of a timeline? Or perhaps the problem with chronological sequencing in her storytelling? Or was it the attunement to [...]
Category Archives: Thérapie
Les ARTS de l’art thérapie
Pour ceux et celles qui ont fait la lecture des billets précédents, vous vous êtes sûrement rendus compte que l’art dont il a été question n’était pas d’une forme mais de multiple formes. C’est à dire que la hiérarchie entre beaux arts (peinture, gravure, sculpture etc.), arts appliqués, arts recyclés, photographie, arts décoratifs, arts [...]
On never being too sure
I become uneasy when someone speaks with authoritative certainty about someone else. « This is a clear case of X, Y, Z », the XYZ being a defining set of characteristics that describes a person, and given our shortcut liking brains, ends up defining the whole of a person. Through the years I’ve been too often reminded [...]