Open access art therapy journals

Take advantage of Taylor and Francis’ open access policy through the month of  February (art related publications)
These include :
1) International Journal of art therapy: Inscape
2) Arts in Health
and others in  visual studies, visual culture and visual anthropology.  

Taylor and Francis have also purchased the distribution rights to the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association but it has yet to be available online. Who knows perhaps before the end of February.

These are readings that do not require a treck through todays snow storm! Enjoy.

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Publié le 02 fév 2011

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2 commentaires à Open access art therapy journals

  1. Daniel Surprenant
    Le 3 fév 2011 à 10:07

    Comment vous envoyer une unvitation à notre colloque à Bordeaux sr les personnes âgées isolées: de l’Elan à la perte, le rôle de la danse ?

    • Francine Lévesque
      Le 3 fév 2011 à 23:21

      Merci mais la distance entre Bordeaux et Montréal est malheureusement prohibitive.