Monthly Archives: septembre 2009

Bridge drawing to assess psychosis

A recent article (in press) in The Arts in Psychotherapy discusses new research on drawing indicators.  A small sample of drawings from in patients (n=34), out patients (n=26) and comparison group (n=29) were contrasted to establish the validity of certain formal drawing characteristics as indicators of psychotic features. Patients in the study were all diagnosed with illnesses that involved psychotic episodes [...]

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Prix d’excellence

L’association des art-thérapeutes du Québec tenait son assemblée générale annuelle samedi dernier. Comme je suis sur le CA j’y étais. Quelle a été ma surprise cette année,  d’être la récipiendaire du prix pour l’excellence de sa contribution à la profession (outstanding contribution award)! Vous êtes surement curieux de savoir quelle a été ma contribution exceptionnelle? Il y [...]

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Facing issues through art

An anonymous art therapist presents her struggle with eating issues through visual journaling and textile art. It is a competent discussion about the struggle and journey to channel difficult feelings in more constructive ways. Read on, she has a well written candid and thoughtful blog chocked full of textile art examples and tutorials.

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I’m reading an article dated Sept 2nd, 2009 in the brand spanking new journal ARTS & HEALTH titled « On creating the discipline, profession and evidence in the field of arts and healthcare » and the more I read the more I’m frustrated. Why you ask? Because!!! Though the authors do a great job of sorting all [...]

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Drawing out symptoms

Cathy Malchiodi which I’ve spoken about a number of times here, writes a review of the benefits of drawing on symptoms of trauma. She lists the following partial benefits: 1) Drawing taps implicit memory. Trauma and drawing are largely sensory experiences; drawing pictures about aspects of « what happened » prompts sensory memories of traumatic events. 2) Drawing actively [...]

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Chalk pastel basics/1

In previous postings I spoke about my plein-air pastel painting experience. I thought it might be useful to pass on some basic knowledge on how to work with chalk pastels in and outside the studio environment. Pastels offer a quick and easy way to spread bright colors over large areas. Children (and adults) have varying responses to the [...]

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