Monthly Archives: February 2015

I’m dying for some chips

I’m dying for some chips! (Published on-line: La Vie en Tranches. Journal Métro, February 23, 2015) Man, don’t we all get the occasional hankering for some salt? A nice pile of crunchy chips will do the trick! Go to your cupboard, grab a bag, plop down in front of the TV, and munch away in a [...]

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Workaholic nutcases

Workaholic nutcases (Published on-line, La vie en tranches, Journal Métro, February 9, 2015) SVP, voir plus bas pour la versionFrançaise Would you like a recipe for building a strong and hyper-productive team? Here’s a strategy: Step 1: Hire ten people for your team. Among the ten, there is a pretty good chance you will find [...]