Tag Archives: alzheimer

A visual testimony to Alzheimer

William Utermohlen was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 1995 yet he continued drawing. His last self portraits painted between 1995 and 2001 tell a unique tale of an implacable disease encroaching on to his mind and senses. With perseverance, courage and honesty the artist adapts his style and technique to the growing limitations of his perception [...]

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Art therapy and dementia

Quality Dementia Care; Nurturing the Heart: creativity, art therapy and dementia Is a 40+ page pdf document, published in 2007 and authored by  Dr Patricia Baines. Dr Baines trained as an Anthropologist, Psychologist and Art Therapist, and now works with Alzheimer’s  Australia Tasmania. The document is available here. Table of content INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EVERYONE IS CREATIVE Creative [...]

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